Welcome to Ally's Luxury Flowers

Flowers For All Occasions 


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#1 Florist In Orange County

Celebrate with festive bouquets bursting with color and joy! Visit Ally's Luxury Flowers to find your perfect arrangement.

We have fresh flowers for all occasions, balloons, plants, gourmet chocolates, and plush stuffed animals for all of your gift needs and we also offer wholesale! 

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Proudly Serving Orange County

Welcome to Ally's Luxury Flowers, in Santa Ana where elegance meets nature. Our boutique flower shop specializes in creating stunning floral arrangements for every occasion. 

Whether you're celebrating a wedding, anniversary, birthday, or just want to brighten someone's day, our expert florists are here to craft the perfect bouquet.

red and white flowers on black metal rack
  • Monday - Sunday


1922 S Main St
Santa Ana, CA 92707, US

About us

Visit us today and experience the luxury of flowers at their finest.